
How to Celebrate Older Americans Month in 2024

How to Celebrate Older Americans Month in 2024

Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation in celebrating Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2024 theme is “Powered By Connection,” recognizing the vital role that meaningful relationships and social connections play in older adults’ health, happiness, and ability to age independently in their communities.

This year’s theme explores how connecting with others combats isolation and loneliness among older adults. It also highlights how strong social ties support well-being by providing friendship, purpose, stability, and a sense of belonging.

How You Can Celebrate Older Americans Month in 2024

You play a crucial role in helping to celebrate Older Americans Month in your community. Here are some ideas for how you can get involved and show your support:

Share Facts on the Benefits of Social Connections

Education is key to highlighting why powered by connection is an apt theme. Share information on how social ties directly impact older adults’ mental, cognitive, and physical health:

Maintains Cognitive Function

Regular interaction with close friends and family lowers the risks for cognitive decline and dementia. Social and mentally stimulating activities build cognitive reserve.

Supports Physical Health

Relationships help older adults better manage chronic illnesses, from providing emotional support to directly assisting with medical visits and care tasks.

Aids Recovery

Strong social ties lead to better mental health outcomes after losses or hardships by providing grieving support.

Promote Local Older Adult Programs

Spread the word on local programs helping older adults stay engaged, connected, and contributing to their communities.

Great options include senior centers, intergenerational volunteer programs, continuing education classes, exercise groups tailored to older adults, book clubs, peer counseling, and social clubs.

These programs lead to new meaningful friendships and support networks that enhance quality of life and an ongoing sense of purpose.

Help Overcome Obstacles to Connections

Look at what barriers older adults in your community face in accessing social opportunities and connections with loved ones.

Two of the biggest are the lack of accessible and affordable local transportation and the inability to adequately utilize communication technology/devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.

Consider volunteering to drive older adults to community events and programs. Also, provide technology assistance through one-on-one tutoring to stay connected using devices, apps, video calling, and social media.

Encourage Intergenerational Events

Suggest local community groups host activities and events to bring younger and older Americans together.

Examples include oral history projects, mentoring programs, art and music events, skill-sharing workshops, and more. These provide opportunities to trade stories and experiences that promote mutual understanding and respect.

Inspire #PoweredByConnection Sharing

Motivate older adults to share personal stories on social media about what connections mean to them using the hashtag #PoweredByConnection.

This shows online audiences the positive impact relationships have on older adults’ lives. It also spreads awareness of the 2024 OAM theme and older Americans’ continued value and contributions.

Getting involved with even small actions supporting the 2024 OAM Powered By Connection theme leads to meaningful change. Strong social engagement and purposeful interactions empower older adults to enjoy healthier, happier, and more independent lives.

Stay Engaged with Vintage

As a leading resource for those living in Colorado, Vintage is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of older adults. Our mission is to provide a supportive community that fosters connections, encourages engagement, and celebrates the unique contributions of older adults.

We believe everyone has a story to share – and that by sharing those stories, we can create a more connected and understanding society. That’s why we’re joining the #PoweredByConnection movement for Older Americans Month 2024.

We invite you to join us in celebrating older adults by sharing your stories on social media using the hashtag #PoweredByConnection. Every story matters, whether it’s a picture with friends or loved ones, a favorite memory, or words of wisdom passed down from generation to generation. 

What story will you share to celebrate the unique contributions of our neighbors?