Your Local Area Agency on Aging


Your Health, Our Priority
Let’s Face Health & Wellness Together

At Vintage, we are a hub for information and assistance. We offer a variety of health-related programs to boost your health—mentally and physically!

Our Goal

At Vintage, our goal is to help older adults remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities through the Older Americans Act and other legislation. We support and administer programs that work towards that goal and help you achieve yours.

We have programs that support your health and well-being.

Nutrition Counseling & Education

Do You Have Questions About Nutrition & Healthy Eating? Vintage offers free nutrition counseling through our Registered Dietitian, Patti Murphy.

Nutrition Counseling can assist with variety of nutrition and health topics like:

  • Managing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure & Chronic Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Gaining/Losing Weight
  • Digestive Problems
  • Food Allergies
  • Nutritious Snacks & Meals on a Budget

Contact Patti Murphy, R.D. at 720-300-3770 or email at

Hot Lunches & Home Delivered Meals

Ever want a healthy and warm meal delivered to your home or lunch with your friends at your local senior center?

We believe no older adult should ever experience hunger, and we work with local providers to help older adults in Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, Routt, and Summit Counties for eligible older adults age 60+.

Here’s where you can get a hot lunch at your local senior center and/or home-delivered meals that serve the Vintage region by county:

Eagle County Healthy Aging is dedicated to serving the over 60 population of Eagle County with nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs that help older adults maintain independence, dignity & purpose.
Eagle County Healthy Aging's senior center in El Jebel offers the over 60 population of Eagle County nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs.
Eagle County Healthy Aging's senior center in Eagle offers the over 60 population of Eagle County nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
Grand Seniors, part of Mountain Family Center, provides a variety of services to Grand County seniors (60+) with the goal of maintaining their independence.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
The JCCOA seeks to be an extended family for the elderly population of Jackson County, Colorado through caring, kindness, and concern.
The Jackson County Council on Aging's senior center in Walden provides transportation, programming, fresh food delivery, and pot luck meals.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
Pitkin County Senior Servcies provides responsive, reliable services and creative programs that enable residents and visitors over age 60 to remain as independent as possible within the community.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
Routt County Council on Aging's senior center in Hayden offers the over 60 population of Routt County nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs.
Routt County Council on Aging's senior center in South Routt offers the over 60 population of Routt County nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs.
Routt County Council on Aging's senior center in Steamboat Springs offers the over 60 population of Routt County nutrition, transportation, social activities, and educational programs.
Meal delivery services for older adults provide nutritious meals that can be delivered to you at your home.
The Summit County Community & Senior Center in Frisco offers volunteer opportunities and a variety of senior services and programming.