Your Local Area Agency on Aging


Navigating Medicare

Medicare can be confusing and stressful, but we are here to answer your questions and relieve the stress of navigating it. We can help you at any stage in your decision-making, whether you are new to Medicare, helping a parent or loved one, departing from employer insurance to Medicare, have questions about prescription drugs, trying to save money, looking for providers in your area, billing inquiries, and more. 

Illustration with the text, Medicare, surrounded by Availability, Costs, Family Doctor, Diagnostics, Specialists, Rehabilitation, Care, Insurance

What is SHIP?

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program is a free, unbiased, state-based program helping people navigate the complexities of Medicare. SHIP offers in-person or over-the-phone personalized Medicare counseling, and public education presentations for Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers. SHIP helps people understand all things Medicare such as when and how to sign up for Original Medicare A and B, compare Medicare Advantage plans, Medigap Supplements, Part D Drug plans, understand how Medicaid and Medicare work together, monthly premiums, billing, and everything in between. For assistance with Medicare benefits, contact us at (970) 315-1328.

SHIP is supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0060, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

SHIP Medicare Volunteer Opportunities

We are lucky to have a wonderful team of Medicare SHIP counselors who graciously volunteer their time to be state-certified Medicare experts. Without SHIP volunteers, our program could not exist, meaning thousands of Colorado Medicare beneficiaries would be left to navigate the Medicare system on their own each year, resulting in increased costs, lost opportunities, poor healthcare choices, and penalties. If you’re interested in a rewarding, flexible volunteer opportunity, join us, become a certified SHIP Medicare Counselor, and help people in your community navigate Medicare stress-free. Interested candidates can fill out the application below and send it to our SHIP Medicare Coordinator, Jonnah Glassman at

SHIP Medicare Counselor – Volunteer Application

Graphic icon of a lightbulb with a leaf inside

Items to bring to your appointment

  • Medicare card / Medicare number
  • Employee/Benefits booklet and billing information (if still working & applicable)
  • List of Prescription drugs –(pics of Rx bottles or bring actual prescriptions)
  • Medicare, CMS, Social Security, Medigap Insurance, or Advantage Plan Correspondence (only if you have questions about it)
  • Medicare Plan Finders
  • Advantage Plans, Medigap Supplements & Drug Coverage

Remember: You Have Medicare Rights!

Acentra Health offers information and assistance to providers, patients, and families regarding beneficiary complaints, discharge appeals, and immediate advocacy. Who is Acentra Health, and how does it help people who have Medicare?

You have the right to:

File a quality of care complaint. You may contact Acentra Health to file a complaint, and your medical record will be reviewed by one of Acentra Health’s physicians.

File an appeal of your discharge from a hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health agency, or hospice. You may file an appeal with Acentra Health if you feel that you are not ready to be discharged from a hospital or skilled services.

Request Immediate Advocacy for immediate concerns. Kepro can contact your provider on your behalf and advocate regarding your concerns.

To file a quality of care complaint or appeal a discharge from a skilled nursing facility, home health agency, hospital, or a hospice, call Acentra Health toll-free at 888-317-0891.

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