Your Local Area Agency on Aging

Legal Assistance

Legal Resources at Your Fingertips

We are here to assist with legal matters in Colorado

Are you facing a complicated legal situation? Or do you need help with paperwork for the end-of-life decision-making?

At Vintage, we contract with partners who provide legal services to older adults 60+ free of charge to those with the most significant economic or social needs. We are here to help you find the support you need.

Colorado Legal Services is a not-for-profit legal resource dedicated to serving low-income older adults and other vulnerable populations in Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, Routt, and Summit Counties. Fees are based on income and ability to pay. Please contact them using the above link to see if you qualify.

For residents of Eagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties, Alpine Legal Services is a not-for-profit legal assistance agency that is available to assist you.

Advocacy for individuals in a long-term care facility is available through your local Ombudsman Program. Under the federal Older Americans Act, every state is required to have an Ombudsman Program that addresses complaints and advocates for the resident in the long-term care system. Contact our Long-Term Care Ombudsman (Region 12) at 970-531-2980 or

Legal Assistance Providers

Alpine Legal Services offers a spectrum of legal support for clients from referrals to direct representation in court.
Colorado Legal Services assists low-income Coloradans and seniors with various civil legal challenges
Pitkin County Adult and Family Services can assist with case management and provide supportive services.