Your Local Area Agency on Aging

In-Home Care

Living at Home at any age.

We can help you stay at home longer.

For many older adults, living at home for as many years as possible is a priority. Most adults would prefer to age in place—that is, remain in their home of choice as long as possible. However, life at home sometimes becomes more challenging as aging or illness occurs.

Vintage provides several programs designed to support aging in place and keeping you in your home.

In-Home Services Program

The In-Home Services Program provides financial assistance to older adults who need homemaker, personal care, or chore assistance to remain in their homes and live independently. Homemaker assistance includes meal preparation, shopping, light housework, money management, and telephone use. Personal care includes bathing, dressing, walking, eating, and other personal care activities. Chore assistance includes heavy housework, yard work, or sidewalk maintenance.

For more information about the In-Home Services Program, contact Ceci Peterson at 970-531-4087.

Home Delivered Meals

Interested in a healthy and warm meal delivered to your home?

Local providers, funded by Vintage, offer home-delivered meals that are prepared and delivered for eligible older adults age 60+.

View the options for home-delivered meals by visiting our page:

Weatherization & Energy Assistance

Looking for weatherization or energy assistance? Check out the Colorado Affordable Energy Program at NWCCOG.