
Hunt for Happiness Week: 3rd Week in January

Hunt for Happiness Week: 3rd Week in January

Hunt for Happiness Week

The aftermath of the holidays coupled with the cold and dark of winter, often find people dealing with sadness, loss, or grief. Seasonal depression and the “saddest day of the year” on the 3rd Monday in Jan, add to the blues. So, the 3rd week in January was designated the personal Hunt for Happiness week.

This week is the time to focus on what makes YOU happy, brings you joy, or even just lifts your spirits. Here are four ways to work on your happiness, this week and all throughout the year:

  1. Move your Body

    Even if it’s just for a short walk, studies show exercise or light movement for 7 minutes can boost your mood and release endorphins.

  2. Get Outside

    One study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather increases happiness. If you can’t get outside sit by a window in a warm room!

  3. Practice Gratitude

    Increase happiness and satisfaction by consciously sharing 3 good things that happen each day. Write it down or tell a friend, and see how it changes your attitude.

  4. Help + Spend Time with Others

    Helping others and spending time with your loved ones, are two other ways to increase happiness!


Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and well-being, according to a scientific report by Mathew P. White.
